Determining the Right Law School
The first step to finding the right law school for you is determining which law schools most effectively assist you in achieving your goals. Determine this first. Then decide on your plan of attack for law school admission. Law schools vary greatly in their ability to educate and position you to compete for the jobs you will want. Factors I'll help you consider include:
- Do you need/want a national, regional or local law school?
- Location
- Cost; legal residency issues for in-state tuition
- School reputation
- Quality of teaching
- Style and culture of the law school
- Racial and gender diversity within faculty and student body
- Religious affiliation
- Size of first-year class
- Student satisfaction with the law school
- Part-time enrollment option (if needed)
- Breadth of curriculum
- Specialized areas of faculty expertise
- Learning opportunities with faculty
- Faculty accessibility
- Law library strengths and services
- Quality of legal writing instruction
- Commitment to innovative technology
- Public interest programs
- Interdisciplinary programs
- International study opportunities
- Employment/internship options during school
- Breadth and support of law school alumni network
- Loan repayment assistance for low-income lawyers will help you understand the best law schools for you, given your credentials and experience. Then we'll work together to create a strategy that offers you the best chance of admission to the targeted schools.
Copyright 2008, Brad Dobeck, Esq.,
Helpful Links:
- ABA-approved list of law schools
- U.S. News & World Report Law School Rankings
- Professor Brian Leiter's Law School Rankings
Learn about the 2010 Law School "Yes Points"...